Composition/ Published Highlight


Chan Chak Hang  (2023)   A comparative study of E. Blackwood’s Twelve Microtonal Etudes for Electronic Music Media, opus 28, 15 note (6th movement) and Gamelan Slendro scale (c. 5-ET). How do timbre and temperament affect the perception of consonance and dissonance? International Symposium of  Contemporary Music Research, Nanhua University.


more on YouTube!!

A 15-ET Jingle mvt 3 and 4 for tailor-made synthesiser and gamelan (2023)

A mirror in the space and Mirror rim for cello duet (2023)

In Motion for pure data and mobile phone (2022)

Colour Grid for a 53-TET midi keyboard (2022)

A flute improvisation with pure data gamelan (2022)

In meditation for solo marimba (2021)

Chanting II for flute solo (2021)


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