About me

Studying at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire Master of Composition (2021-23)
Graduated at Hong Kong Baptist University Master of Arts in Music (2021)

Chan was born in Hong Kong. After he finished his bachelor's and master's degrees in music at Hong Kong Baptist University, he studies master of composition abroad at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. His current research on developing non-standard tunings and temperaments based on inharmonic spectra -- mostly found in percussions. Creating acoustic or digital instruments with unique timbre and tuning is an important part of his aesthetic. Chan's music challenges different new and digital technologies, computer programing languages, computational calculated music etc.

In UK, Chan studied composition with Edmond Bennett and Andrew Toovey. His latest piece A Mirror in the Space for cello duet and tape (2023) was featured in the project "Into the Quadrivium: The Sound of Gravitational Waves," which received Art Council funding. The project discovered the relation between music and black holes. Back in Hong Kong, he participated in the Tan Dun WE festival 2023 as a project assistant to provide music-related support.

In Hong Kong, Chan studied composition under Prof. Christopher J Keyes’s, Dr. Maria Kallionpää’s, and Dr. Matthew W Schreibeis’s guidance. Chan studied flute under Mr. Nowak, Olivier Pierre’s guidance Chan studied bassoon under Ms. Cheung, Angel On-Ki’s guidance. 

My vision 

Composer a part of the culture of society who needs to demonstrate their cultural identity in music. I was born in Hong Kong, my music is keen to mimic the soundscape and the music that I can hear in Hong Kong. It is also a crucial way of, it creates our cultural identity. We all flatter China for her long history, yet, we were having a low motivation for cultural heritage which causes a far behind music cultural development. I would like to explore one of the cores of Chinese music, timbre, with contemporary composition techniques. Currently, I am researching timbre, tuning and temperament, to expand the possibility of Chinese music. 

Please visit my YouTube channel.


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