Equal temperament finder - effectively finding temperament fits the all consonants

 This program finds a suitable number of equal temperaments for a series of notes or ratios. It is useful for inharmonic tuning, a more accurate and way more effective way to find the number in the previous calculation.

Separate individual items with a space bar. There are two ways to use this program: 1, enter the frequencies (Hz) from tonic to the octave; 

An example of entering an inharmonic scale in frequency:

    220  259.2   302.5   329.6296296   362.3290203   432.8

(The inharmonic pattern of a bar percussion.)

2, enter the ratio of every note relates to the tonic form to the octave

An example of entering a major scale in ratios (just intonation):

    1 1.12246 1.25992 1.33483 1.49831 1.68179 1.88775 2

The boundary of matching frequency is +/-15 cents which is an average number of comparing 12-TET and just intonation. Can be changed on lines 7 and 9.

The upper limit of finding the ET is 40, it can be changed on line 15.

The default harmonic pattern is based on harmonic series (f,2f,3f,4f,5f,6f,7f) and sound pressure level in decibel (dBSPL) corresponds to harmonics 60, 50, 40, 40, 30, 30, 30 dBSPL respectively. You can customize the parameters in the code for inharmonic instruments like percussion, and wind. The dissonant curve drawing is based on the resolution of x-asis 2^1/120for two octaves, 2^240/120, 120 steps in an octave, 240 steps in total. The function as f(x)= 2(x/120). The series as xn-1 = 2^[(xn-1)/120] , 0n-1240. It is also changeable at lines 12 and 13.


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