Pythagorean - Music of the Spheres vs Guan Zi - Music of earths

Pythagoras discovered musical pitches are ways of vibration. Different intervals of pitches correspond to different ratios of vibration, for example, 1:2 ratios produced an “octave”, 2:3 as fifth, etc. He found new pitches with the ratio of fifth (2:3). Pythagoras saw sound as vibration and motion, to project it to the larger scale planets moving in orbit should also produce a sound. The relative speed of planets response to the certain interval as well. For more info, please visit this article.

Similarly, in ancient Chinese philosophy, Guan Zi (c. 720–645 BC) has a view of musical tones related to geography and agriculture in his Diyuen chapter. The way ancient Chinese found pitches was based on a series of adding 1/3 and subtracting 1/3, called subtracting and adding a third method (Sān fēn sǔnyì fǎ). 

The starting length is 81 (3^4) namely as "Gong()" (do), the soil of Huangtang 黃唐土

The next pitch is 81x4/3= 108 as "Zhi()" (so), the soil of Heizhi 黑埴土

The next pitch is 108x2/3= 72 as "Shang(商)" (re), the soil of Chilu 赤壚土 

The next pitch is 72x4/3=96 as "(Yu羽)" (la), the soil of Chizhi 斥埴土

The next pitch is 96x2/3=64 as "Jue(角)" (mi), the soil of Hechuanwotu 河川沃土

Scholars also relate it to the solfege system. Guan Zi related these five pitches to five different solid types respectively. I tried to find these names of soil in English translation, but it is too specific and requires a geography expert. Guan documented which kind of crop is suitable for certain soil.

Using this method can also find all 12 notes in an octave like Pythagoras did. In Huainan zi's "Tianwen Xun", he also compares all 12 notes to 12 months in a year.


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