My music composition - Playing around the harmonic series

When a note is played on an instrument, the vibration of the instrument carries out a series of frequencies, the harmonic series. The series multiples the from the fundamental frequency with integer (1f 2f 3f 4f 5f ...). Normally, the series is infinite and weaker and weaker above. My composition is playing around the harmonic and amplifying the result with composition techniques. I try to sum up different methods I used in my work.

A harmonic series of C2

Digital modification

  1. Develop the harmonic series from scratch with particular sine wave sand built a unique series. Example here.
  2. Using EQ
  3. Using frequency modulator or wave folding to build new harmonic partials
  4. Using amplitude modulator, ring modulator, LFO, to create a new fundamental of the series, only acoustically can be heard, the physical vibration does not exist
Acoustic modification

  1. combines different timbers/instruments, standard orchestration techniques.
  2. combination tone of different pitches to create a new fundamental of the series, only acoustically can be heard, the physical vibration do not exit, example 
  3. Physical materials to alter or interfere with the vibration of the instrument, prepared instrument. Example here.
  4. Alternative tuning or temperament, abnormal interval (frequency combination)
    1. Building chords on harmonic series, example here.
      1. expend it to a bigger part of the harmonic series, for example here.
    2. Alternative temperament, a 53-TET piece.


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